Comic Book DC  |  08.10.2020

Lynda Carter Reveals Wonder Woman-Inspired Mask

Brandon Davis

You don’t have to be Wonder Woman to possibly save a life by wearing a mask and former Wonder Woman herself Lynda Carter is showing that off. Carter portrayed the DC Comics icon on the TV series by the heroine’s name from 1975 through 1979. Since those days, Lynda Carter’s name has been synonymous with the character. Today, Carter is encouraging her fans to be kind to each other and wear a mask as a means to possibly save a life and prevent the spread of the coronavirus amidst a global pandemic.

“Right now, all of us have a simple but crucial civic duty to wear a mask when going out in public, “Carter said in a tweet. “Today I’m wearing a Wonder Woman-inspired mask made by Clothe Your Mouth, which donates proceeds to a featured nonprofit. Civic duty + good cause = win/win!” read more—photos